Monday, April 4, 2011

Guess I Am Just Being A Girl ....... Or So I Have Been Told.

So, starting this off again by saying that I haven't blogged in forever.  Not that I haven't thought about it, because I have numerous times, but, just haven't sat down to actually put in words what is going on in my head.  Maybe because I am lazy ~ maybe because I am scared to type out what I really want to say.

Our weekend was good ~ Autism Meets Optimism Event on Saturday and then yesterday, Sierra and I took the little monsters to the zoo.  I told Riley she could stay with her family, the monkeys, but she wanted to go home with us.  Oh well, can't say I didn't try.

Going to make this short and sweet because I don't want to say more than I should.  Just want to say that at the end of the day, just like most other people, I have feelings and I am sorry if that offends or upsets anyone.  Maybe I should keep them inside and hold them tighter than I already do, because, that seems to work well for everyone, right?  Actually, I am at a point that I don't care what works well for everyone.  Call me selfish ~ I am concerned for what works well for me and the way that I respond to my family and others.  Judge Judy wrote a book entitled "Don't Pee on My Leg and Tell Me It's Raining".  Maybe instead of allowing myself to feel for situations, myself, my kids and others, I should adapt to that philosophy.  At one point in my life, I feel like that was where I was at.  After having babies and becoming a wife, that is not exactly what I wanted for my life or anyone in it.  However, sadly, if it works, then it works. 

Maybe I should end by just saying that I have feelings and am tired of them being trampled on.  If that doesn't work for you .... move on.  My leg is tired of getting tinkled on.