Grieving, Christmas, Jesus & Heaven
It's Monday ... that should probably say enough. So much has been going on here with the Newberry/Perkins Clan, I could never find a way to type it all. I am currently holding on line for CafePress.Com .... I ordered $100 worth of autism awareness shirts (Xmas gifts for Chad to give myself and the kids),upon which part of the purchase goes to charity, and when I finally opened the shirts today Sierra's has a smudge and Riley's is faded on the autistic symbol. Makes me mad, but waiting on hold for 4 thousand hours is making me madder. Customer service is an art form that left us long ago ... I am learning that more and more every day this week it seems. Either I will get my money back and keep the shirts, or get new shirts and keep the ones I am not happy with. Mess with me enough and eventually I will win. Sorry, Mom, not very lady like, but lady like doesn't always do the job these days, it seems.

Doesn't even need to be said, but the shooting in Newton, CT has really shaken me up, much like others in the world. I am hugging my babies tighter, hanging onto the hugs for longer, and holding them and brushing their hair back behind their ears for just a bit more than they probably want.
I had to talk to them (Connor & Riley) about the tragedy this weekend, as I didn't want them to hear it on the playground, much like Sierra did hear about 9/11 in kindergarten from some child who knew gorey graphic details she never should have heard. I told them that some children were hurt very badly when a bad man came into their school. This is why, I said, that it is very important for them to follow all directions when the school does a lockdown (drill) or any other sort of preparedness activity. Riley said this morning while eating breakfast that maybe they were eating biscuits at McDonald's and playing Tball with my dad (Mike Newberry) in heaven. Maybe so ... Connor is pretty upset, mainly because heaven is not something he can associate to with his autism, but, Riley seems to have her own version of heaven. Of course Jesus and the Virgin Mary are there, but, so are the Golden Arches, DisneyWorld, Pizza Hut, My Daddy (Her Late Granddaddy) and recess all day with the most awesome playground equipment ever. My heart swells at her interpretation .... through the eyes of a child and out of the mouths of babes.
Chad comes home for Xmas on Thursday, the 20th. The kids are so excited it is like Elvis is coming home to film Blue Hawaii. We are all happy he is coming ... not the same without him here in our life daily. FaceTime and the IPhone are great .... just not the same. I told him I might let him sleep in our room, although, Riley has taken over his bed privileges. Who knows .. I might end up a la couch so that the young'uns can sleep with Daddy. You just never know.
Will end for now, but need to get something out. I have heard on the news for the last days that the mentally disturbed man that shot the children and faculty in Newton was autistic and had Aspergers. For those that don't know ... Aspergers is considered a higher functioning form of autism. Mainly portrayed as those that are highly intelligent but not so fond of relationships and touch. I need to get this out of my heart and on this screen .... this young man did not shoot and harm others because he was autistic. He did what he did because he was mentally disturbed and that is a whole other can of worms. Something needs to be done ... I don't know if that is gun control, screening or better mental wellness availability. My "liberal" ideals are not always favored, but at this point, it isn't about being "liberal". At this point it is about reality and when the next copycat does this again. Pray for our schools, pray for our teachers and students, pray for school faculty, pray for the families of all the lost, and even that of the disturbed gunman. We just never know .. only God does and unless we learn to let him back in there isn't much he can do.

Presents to wrap tomorrow ... teachers gifts to start getting ready and somehow I have to find time with a nice glass of "Kelli's Special (lol) Apple Cider" and watch National Lampoons Christmas Vacation. My most favorite Christmas movie and I haven't wanted to watch it unless I can watch it in all its glory without tons of interruptions. Not sure when that day will come, but I will make it happen in the next several days.
I love you all .... more than you know. Life is short ... kiss your babies, hug your friends, say a prayer and embrace life for all the goodness you can find.
Until next time ....
Much love and goodness,