Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Wienies, Mashed Potatoes & Peas ... Does It Really Get Any Better?

So ... when I was a kid I remember eating many wonderful things, but, Ben and I absolutely loved my Mother's Dinner of Champions ~ Wienies, Mashed Potatoes & Peas.  Today as I made a partial part of that meal for my kids at lunch I thought of how funny it was that just the sight and taste of those foods could take you back so many years.

First, we didn't have the peas ~ which really is a vital component of this fantabulous dinner.  I had frozen green peas, but the peas don't taste the same unless they are canned, and preferabbly in the silver wrapped can.  Because having the frozen peas would throw it all off, I Xed that component of the meal and settled for Wienies, Mashed Potatoes, Mandarin Oranges & Toast.

Not sure why I am blogging about this, guess I just find it funny how our minds remember little things that we forget as we get older.  Just the taste and smell of that meal takes me back to Ben and I sitting at the table and acting like we hated the meal, when really, we loved it.

So, I guess it is time to figure out what to cook for dinner for my monster 1 & 2 and Sierra.  Chad can fend for himself ~ pretty much why he isn't on the list :).  I don't know what it will be, but I hope that one day the tastes and smells from my kitchen will remind my children of how the little things really do matter later in life.    Memories should be hung onto ~ even if they are only remembered by a smell or a taste.

Have a great week, y'all!

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